Thursday, October 30, 2008

I spied

I spied a guy driving a car. The car was so full of bread there was only room for one person, the driver. The bread filled the back seat up. The bread filled the passenger seat up.

I spied a ghetto looking car with hand painted dragons and wizards. Not the cool kind like on Lord of the Rings but the cheesy kind from Puff the Magic Dragon. Now ordinarily I would just shake my head and not pay it any more attention butttttt the owner of the car came out of walmart (where else would this vehicle be?) He hits the remote and a loud voice says YOUR ALARM HAS BEEN DE-ACTIVATED. Now that gave me the giggles. The alarm gotta have been worth more then the whole car.

I spied a girl driving around in a convertible mustang with her top down, with a huge monkey in the passenger seat.

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