Friday, July 24, 2009

I got a cricut

I got a cricut. It is cool. Only problem is the cat hair. This should be posted in the if its paper blog which I have done so but I was so excited I thought I would share.

This is too funny

I once was sitting watching tele and I happened to look at Ms Lillie and she just happened to be sitting on the coffee table and a fly just happen to fly by and she just happened to stand on her hind legs and catch the fly with her to front paws. It was a hoot

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mr monk and the bad cop

Monday, July 20, 2009

I got a goody

I got a hair straightener. I got a good deal. Details later.

I just finished Inkspell. It was a pretty good book. It was my second time reading it. I am now reading Morality for Beautifulr girls. It is in the series The NO. 1 Ladies Detective Agency. I wonder if the author planned to make it into a series when he wrote the first book?

Probably so. It wasnt his first book.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Night Blog

Extreme Moose tracks is awesome!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cincinnati in 09

I had to put this in a seperate post. It takes to long to load. These are the pictures from Cincinnati April 2009. Had tons of fun!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Chick Fil A

They Finally put a chick Fil A in west Columbia. I been telling anybody who would listen (and thats not many people ha ha) that they should for 15 years now!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hey look at me. Blogging from my cell phone! I wonder if it will cost extra mola?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Night Blog

Yeah Harry Pottery and the Half blood Prince will be out July 15. So to celebrate I am going to watch all five of the previous movies this week. I am watching the Harry Potter and The Sorcer's Stone. The beginning of it all!

Yesterday I was finally able to rent Ink Heart. It took me two weeks to find it in the little red box. Thats a pretty cool way of renting movies. $1 per night and they are mostly new tittles. That is if you can find the movie you want. Like Ink Heart! It was pretty good. Like all movies they do not follow the book exactly. This movie endeded really at the beginning of the second book. It was pretty good. The fact that I had to wait for it kind of billed up the hype. To much I suppose. It was pretty good though. I really love the book.

Last week I couldnt find it of course so I rented Taken with Liam Nielson. That was pretty good too. At the end on the boat I was getting a bit tired of all the fighting. It had a happy endings. I like Happy Endings. I hate books that dont have happy endings. I will peak at the end of a book to make sure it has one. Take for example the last of the twilight series. I peaked to see if the main characters were still alive. I wont tell though. Peak for yourself!

I just finished reading David Baldacci First Family. It was pretty good too. Not all of it ended happy but it wasnt tragic either. He is one of my favorite authors. I didnt read it right away so I had late fees. For shame on me.

I have tons more to blogger about but I think I will watch the movie instead.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Friday night blog peak

I read this article on bling your blog. It was not informative but inspirational. So I might bling my blog on friday night blog.

PS my dog is checking to see if I am watching him making so he can lick the furniture again. He has the saddest eyes. But I will not allow him. Who wants to sit on a couch with dog slobber on it.

The couch and the love seat and the easy chair

Why does my dog lick the furniture for?

Monday, July 6, 2009

what a pain it is

Do you know what a pain it is to go to bed? I sit on the couch saying to my self I am way to tired to go to bed. Makes no sense? Think about this.
You have to feed one cat in a cage.
You have to feed the other cat on the table.
You have to feed two dogs outside.
You have to open that can of dog food but first you have to locate the can opener. We do not have an electric one. Got tired of them not working properly and the cans falling and SPLAT a big mess.
Then you have to find the flash light cause the light on the porch will not work.
Then you have to go back in and retrieve a plastic bag to remove the doo that your little dog made on the porch.
Then you see the grill cover on the ground and you have to fight to get the grill cover on.
Then you look up in the sky and remember rain.
Then you feed lex and you see your car is blocking somebodies elses car who leaves first.
So you move the car.
Then you are lucky enough to remember to leave the cat out of the cage and she didnt finish her food so you have to put that up.
Then you have to put water in the dogs bowl because it looks like rain and they cant sleep outside.
Then you have let the dogs in
Then you have to put the jammies on an all that other bed time stuff and put socks on cause your feet will get cold
Then you have to turn all the lights off and tv off
Then you have to take the lap top and put in the bed room cause your sister cant keep her grimmy hands off of it
Then you have to tinkle one last time.
Instead you could of been watching a whole episode of I dream of Jeanie on WGN retro night.
That is what a pain it is to go to bed
It is exhausting!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Paint Shop Pro

I learned to write and run a script in Paint shop pro. Now I can resize all my photos in less then a minute. Then I can upload them to photobucket. Which takes longer then a minute.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Two funnies conner said

1) A group of anocondas are attacking Columbia

2) He yells to his baby brother this is my privacy time.

Conner is 6 by the way. His baby brother is 18 months old.

What is Privacy stuff?

When you do something that is embarresing.

What were you doing?

Getting naked and somebody might see my wee wee.

Werent you undressing yourself in the kitchen?

No answer

Aquarium and Coca Cola

The pictures are going backwards. I dunno why she swallowed a fly. I guess she will die.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Night Blog

Here I am on Friday night with nothing better to do. CSI New York is on the tele but not by my choice. That is the one I like the least. Looks like they are not going to be able to solve this crime. What a waste of an hour. They figured who killed him but not who he was.
I should watch the movie I rented Taken with Liam Nielson from the red box. I wanted Inkheart but they didnt have it. Pout!

I once talked of Mark Sanford. What a foolish foolish foolish governor. As everybody has been telling him. Keep your mouth shut.

Going to Atlanta

It didnt start off so well because the person who suggested aquarium all of the suddenly tried to get out of it. I got irritated. Ha I get irritated so easily.

So we pack up and go and boy I was in a mood and I stayed in that mood for hours and hours. I slept in the car and we get there and we are at the zoo. Which didnt make any sense because that is not where they said we were going.

I finally got out of the mood during the zoo. It isnt a large zoo but they had some unique animals as opposed to River banks zoo. They had the pandas and organgutan. They were fun.

We get to the hotel with bunches of extra time. So we grab a trolley and go to the subway and then got on a shuttle and went to Atlana Art Mall or something. We ate at the cheesecake Bistro. It reminded me of what Murl had said to try the cheasecake factory. We were not close.

I got oreo Cheesecake Yum Yum.

Then we went back the same way but in reverse.

I still wanted to go to the aquarium so we went and Barbara went on and on how wonderful it was. Guess who the person was who wanted to skip the aquarium was? Ha!

We decided to go to the Titanic exhibit and the coca cola museum. The titantic was ruined when I thought I lost the ticket to the coca cola. Some how barbara had it. Interesting to point out there were three clases on the titanic plus the crew. Each person coming into the exhibit got a card that described a person and at the end you find the person on the wall to see if you survive. All three of us survived.

Then we went to Johnny Rockets. They changed the menu. It just wasnt the same and they did not sing.

Next we went to the coca cola museum. It was alright. Not as cool as the aquarium. At the end of the tour you could taste all the coke products almost 300 types. They gave free bottles of coke. Ha free it cost to get in. I know your game dude.

I found cold case on. It was the first one. Interesting.

I am uploading pictures on photo bucket. There is a lot so I cant post right away. I tried to uploaded to facebook but it isnt working out so well.

Well thats about it for now.

Ps I am drinking that $15.00 coke now ha ha. Burp. Coca Cola says it has sparkle dust.
I got some fun strange things I spied in Atlanta. I will blog those laters. I want to watch the end of Cold Case. I most definately is the first one (burp, more sparkle dust there) It is so different from the ones I have ever watched.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I updated my cards. I think I made some pretty nifty ones!