Monday, November 10, 2008

Yes Virginia there is a Hippo at the River Banks zoo





Conner was being naughty. He hit somebody. His mum told him you should never hit somebody unless it is self defense. Oh then the story came out. Now remember Conner is five. He went to a haunted house and this kid kept picking on him. Conner told him to stop. The 8 year bully would not. So Conner beat him up and made him cry. I tell you know lie. Conner finished telling the story. Here is what he said. After he took his mask off he hit him in the face for good measure.
Honest that is what he said!
Lesson learned, do not bully Conner.
Conner asked Aunt Karen will you take me to the Bathroom, so I said yes.
I took him to the potty.
He finished his business, next thing I see, is a little bare bottom sticking out underneath the door.
The kid is a real clown!

I am cursed

There is no doubt in my mind that I am cursed. It started with the Zune player. I still believe it was somebody else’s. After all she left the cup with the liquid in my car. I am not responsible for putting the player in the actual cup. Then there was jamming the cd player. Then there was breaking the toilet. Then there was the breaking the sliding door to the laundry area. I put the Nestle quick in the milk before I warmed it. That is a no no. Milk gets warmed first then in goes the magic power.
I am cursed.
Then there was the 2.5 day of Migraine. That was an adventure in itself. Mum dragged me to the doctor. Just because I couldn’t eat and kept throwing up. Nothing new there. She dragged me there anyway. The old I am feeling much better on the way did not work.
So I went. I got two shots in the bum. The right bum side still hurts. One for the puking and one for the pain. Didn’t do me a bit of good. Why? Because I am cursed. Because I still had the headache. I still puked. Alright the waffle fries from Chick-fil-a were probably not a good idea. But who knew. I ate the chicken noodle soup with no problem. I am glad I didn’t go for the chick-fil-a sandwich. I ate it the next morning. It would have been a shame to of tossed that back up. It would put me off to chick-fil-a for a week.
So I wasted thirty bucks and my butt hurts. I am cursed.
My black and white cat won’t leave Kathryn’s cat alone and I cant sleep. I slept for 2.5 days straight.
I am cursed.
I dropped a cup of tea on the carpet. Conner was standing by me and he said I DIDN’T DO IT. Apparently he either does it a lot. Dropping a drink on the carpet or getting blamed for the something he didn’t do.
I am cursed.
Probably by the boogey man.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My quote of the day

Just in case I dont have time to submit a post today

" Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In loving Memory

I know this may read as Déjà vu ( hope this tiny www site works)
In loving memoryIn loving memory of my 6 disk CD player in my Mustang. My Cd player jammed itself up. Poor Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Jon Bon Jovi and Elton John are squished in a little player. He just wont spit them out. It says CD Error. It is being ruled as old age, after all the Mustang just had its 100,000 mile birthday. Surving Zune is a whos whos in the music business. Elton John, Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Elvis Presley, George Michael, Billy Idol, Guns N Roses, Tina Turner, Dwight Yokum, Celine Dion, David Cook, Cher, Paul Simon, Jimmy Buffett, Madonna, U2, Prince, Queen, Phil Collins, Meat loaf, Cindy Lauper, Bon Jovi and so many others. May the CD player rest in peace. Instead of flowers, donations are being directed to the E-bay, or store to your right. So I can at least replace the Zune Player that died last week.
I tried to keep a stiff upper lip but after singing the smurf theme song La lalalalalalalalalalalalalal for ten seconds, the other passengers asked if the radio worked.

A Halloween story with pictures

It all started with this guy
Who pretends to be oh so innocent.


Who likes to bring this mask to work


Then likes to place the mask over his head and scare the
ladies coming out of the ladies room.


I said to myself how can I get this guy back.
I was watching Home Improvement and it came to me!
The kids put a head in the microwave and scared the mom.
So I found an average looking microwave


I put the mask it in. This guy went to heat up his food and saw this…

(scroll down a tad)


He jumped back!
I laughed with some others. We finally got the prankster good.

But alas five days later I open up my drawer and well ….

(scroll down a tad)


I created a Monster! He is now hiding the silly thing in every bodies drawers, he has plans to get the wife when she is warming the bottle for their youngen. He is possitivly evil.

The End!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In loving memory

In loving memory

In loving memory of my 8G MP3 player. Zune accidentally drowned in 1/16 inch of water Sunday night. It was touch and go all the way up till Thursday, when Zune finally lost the struggle. He just gave up and his little light went out. There is an on going investigation on how this accident occurred. It may be ruled a accidentally homicide. A Mrs. MPG was seen drinking in the mustang and left some ice in the cup. The district attorney is not sure how to proceed with any charges if there will be any charges brought in the case. Surving Zune is a whos whos in the music business. Elton John, Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Elvis Presley, George Michael, Billy Idol, Guns N Roses, Tina Turner, Dwight Yokum, Celine Dion, David Cook, Cher, Paul Simon, Jimmy Buffett, Madonna, U2, Prince, Queen, Phil Collins, Meat loaf, Cindy Lauper, Bon Jovi and so many others. May the zune rest in peace.
Instead of flowers, donations are being directed to the E-bay, or store to your right. So I can at least replace the Zune Player.

Happy 100,000 mile Birthday

Happy 100,000 mile Birthday

To synergy. That’s my Mustang. Synergy just reached his 100,000 miles. We celebrated by buying cat food. I told my mother I needed to throw him a birthday party. I was going to get him a new zune mp3 player. See the next post why.