Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In loving Memory

I know this may read as Déjà vu ( hope this tiny www site works)
In loving memoryIn loving memory of my 6 disk CD player in my Mustang. My Cd player jammed itself up. Poor Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Jon Bon Jovi and Elton John are squished in a little player. He just wont spit them out. It says CD Error. It is being ruled as old age, after all the Mustang just had its 100,000 mile birthday. Surving Zune is a whos whos in the music business. Elton John, Billy Joel, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Elvis Presley, George Michael, Billy Idol, Guns N Roses, Tina Turner, Dwight Yokum, Celine Dion, David Cook, Cher, Paul Simon, Jimmy Buffett, Madonna, U2, Prince, Queen, Phil Collins, Meat loaf, Cindy Lauper, Bon Jovi and so many others. May the CD player rest in peace. Instead of flowers, donations are being directed to the E-bay, or store to your right. So I can at least replace the Zune Player that died last week.
I tried to keep a stiff upper lip but after singing the smurf theme song La lalalalalalalalalalalalalal for ten seconds, the other passengers asked if the radio worked.

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