Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Conner let DeSoto out of the kitchen and he says to me… Aunt Karen what is DeSoto interested in?
I said his puppy.
So Conner gets DeSoto’s puppy and bribes him back into the kitchen.

Conner Loves Mario but his mum will not let him bring the game to Grandma’s house. So Conner drew his own Mario game and played that instead

I told Conner I drew a picture of Gary. Conner asked for a piece of paper so he can draw a picture of Gary too. Then I suggested he draw sponge bob and Patrick. So he did. His Mom did not believe he drew it. She thought I did.

Well Conner’s mom your wrong. This is Conner’s art work and he did not have a model for Gary either.


Conner drew a picture of a little girl that teased him. I hope that little girl gets lice and all her hair falls out and they tease her at school. Hey she picked on my nephew... I dont have to be nice.


Just a note. Little boys like to crinkle up their art work

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