Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 12 AKA Black Friday

Still no Chocolate. Pretty amazing huh???

Conner said he was abnormal while he was showing off that his finger was double jointed.

OOOf Black Friday (that oooof was suppose to be oooh but I like the typo so it stays)
Here is the deal. After midnight I went to walmart to stake out the goodies. It was getting pretty wild already. People were staking out their goodies. They were lined up for the tvs and lap tops. I scoped all the items I wanted. I bought a few things and went home. I layed my head down a few hours. I went back at 3am and started piling my buggie with all the stuff I wanted.

I walked around for a while and everybody was beginning to line up to check out. They were not checking out the till 5am. I was in line at 4am. So I had an hour to wait. Once it was 5am, I was out by 23 mins. I felt sorry for all them silly people who were coming in at 5am. All the stuff were already in the peoples buggies in line.

I went home and didnt wake up till 2pm.

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