Saturday, April 10, 2010


I remember one easter when we had just moved to SC and still took a lot of trips back to Cincinnati. This happens to be one of those times. I think it is a genetic code in our family to waite to the very last moment to get something done. Barbara did that for Heathers Easter basket. This is before walmart made its way up north to Cincinnati and there were not any 24 hour retail stores. However the grocery stores opened late. The convient stores aka gas stations with out the gas were open late and the ever handy walgreens. This is before walgreens made it to Columbia. Barbara was in a panic to find fun stuff for Heathers easter basket. She took a handful of quarters and bought bunch of junk machine items. She bought a few toys. She bought a few bits of candy. The one thing that eluded her? The traditional easter grass. We looked all over Cincinnati and not a bag to be found. I kept suggesting using real grass and my Barbara rejected that idea. When midnight was close approaching she admited defeat and we went back to her house. If happened to live on Harris st back in the late 80's and happened to look out your window midnight on Easter. You would might see one grown up and one almost teen picking grass in the front yard.
That morning Heather woke up and saw her basket. Let me tell you this... This particula basket will be the one she will always remember. She got so excited over the REAL GRASS in her basket. Could not get over it.
That almost teenager was pretty smart if you ask me!

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