Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Great news said the spider to the fly

I am not going to eat you today, I will save you for tomorrow.

I sold one of my Halloween wreaths. A friend of mind goes to the flea market every now and then and took two of them. The witch one sold. I think I will give my sister the ghost one. But which sister? Muhuhuhuh. Duh the one with a house! Or I will keep it and sell it next year on ETSY.
I added some items on Ebay. I updated the ebay for sale pictures. Some of the pictures are premature. I haven’t put them all up for sale. I am working on it. Last couple of weeks the thought of typing gave me the willies. My hands hurt. I guess it’s the typing disease. Now I got back into the swing of things and slowly adding more items. I also have been working on an adorable penguin set for a birthday or party. It will include candy wrappers(both miniature Hershey and Hershey nuggets), cookie pouches , quart size paint can, bubble wrappers, bags, invitations anything else I can label.
Now I got to decide … should I create paper versions and sell or should I sell the electronic file. Probably paper I am thinking.
I finished a black and silver scarf to put on ETSY and I am working on a gorgeous blue scarf to put on ETSY. I also have some craft books and two bags to add.
Well since I am at work and somebody finally gave me work to do I think I will do that now.

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