Saturday, October 3, 2009

The funny that deserves its own post.

I briefly mentioned the guy on the express way going 45. Let me set it up for you.

26 splits, you can either stay on 26 or you can get on 77. That is the beginning of 77. So here we were at the beginning of 77 there are two lanes from east 26 and one lane for west 2. We were on east ran into west and now there are three lanes. So about a few miles on 77 I caught up to this guy who was going 45 in the middle lane. He would not move. So I did something I never did before. I flashed my lights. He still would not move. Finally I got tired of going soooo slow and went around him. He took his finger and gave me the shame shame shame on me sign.

Now that is funny!

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