Friday, April 25, 2008

There aint no bugs on me

I was watching the dog flea commercial where the golden retriever or lab puppy sings I aint got no bugs on me. So I had to go get my golden retriever. He is so sweet. He isnt a large Golden Retriever but its still a bit much when a 75 pound dog wants to climb on the sofa and sit in your lap. After two years my cat has yet to get aquainted with the dogs. My older cats that are now gone use to look at the dogs like they were nuts trying to chase them. Kind of wish singapore was like that. He is a big old sweety peety. He has his little stuffy dog he carries with him. I wonder if he knows he is sitting on my foot LOL.

Well as for the work thing... I didnt get that job from the previous post. I probably said something stupid. Anyway today I got a call from another car dealership. The office manager asked if I could come in today for an interview. So I ran home got changed and off I went to another interview this week. It was quite obvious I got the job. I start April 30th.
This one had less hours but the other one had to many hours so it is perfect. Soon they will be moving closer to where I live.

I love those type of jobs cause you get paid for reading!

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