Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Halloween story with pictures

It all started with this guy
Who pretends to be oh so innocent.


Who likes to bring this mask to work


Then likes to place the mask over his head and scare the
ladies coming out of the ladies room.


I said to myself how can I get this guy back.
I was watching Home Improvement and it came to me!
The kids put a head in the microwave and scared the mom.
So I found an average looking microwave


I put the mask it in. This guy went to heat up his food and saw this…

(scroll down a tad)


He jumped back!
I laughed with some others. We finally got the prankster good.

But alas five days later I open up my drawer and well ….

(scroll down a tad)


I created a Monster! He is now hiding the silly thing in every bodies drawers, he has plans to get the wife when she is warming the bottle for their youngen. He is possitivly evil.

The End!


cindysidcards said...

What a wonderfully scary mask to see when you go to warm up your lunch....Ha, Ha, Ha.
I am very interested in how you got the movie on the right of your blog. I love it enclosed in the black frame. Is there a link for this insert?

Saharacatcreations said...

Not sure if this is how to reply to a comment. First time I had a comment whoo hooo me. Well you see it wasnt really a link of sorts. I used the round #2 lay out. Then I changed the color to the um dont know what it is called but I changed the color to it. Then I added an html/java element. I created a slide show from and inserted the slide show into the html/java thingama bob.